I often share my thoughts on marriage, knowing that behind every great business leader is a supportive spouse.
I have been with my wife for 10 years now. This is marriage #4 for me. Yes, I screwed up 3 other marriages because I had no idea what the hell I was doing.
Once I got intentional with what I wanted in a marriage I ended up getting it right and making it last.
For the first time ever, me and several of my successful married friends are putting on a Date Night event in Plano Texas.
We will start off
Day 1: on October 4th at 6pm with a true Date Night. We will have drinks, movies, food, live entertainment and more.
Then we will send you back home or to your hotel encouraging you to do that thing couples do that night so you attend day 2 with a clear head or what us guys call post nut clarity lol.
Day 2: Married couples will be sharing how they work together, do life together, raise kids together and also Q&A from the attendees to help them build a stronger marriage.
I read that 70% of marriages these days don’t last. I’m attempting to give the right people some insight on how to beat that statistic.
The easiest way to keep your money is to not give half of it away in a divorce. The easiest way to build wealth is with someone you love.
If you want to attend this event, you can go to this site and sign up, check out and show up.
This will be the best investment you can make in your marriage.
Ryan Stewman